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Welfare of Children 
in Hospital 

Report of the Committee 


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Welfare of Children 
in Hospital 

Report of the Committee 




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*Sir Harry Platt, Bart., M.S., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.A.C.S. {Chairman) 
P. H. Constable, Esq., M.A., F.H.A. 
fMIss K. A. Raven, S.R.N., S.C.M. 

F. M. Rose, Esq., M.B., Ch.B. 

W. P. H. Sheldon, Esq., C.Y.O., M.D., F.R.C.P. 


Professor Norman Capon, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.O.G. 

Charles GledhiU, Esq., M.B.E., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S. 

Mrs. Elizabeth Hollis, B.Sc.(Econ.) 

Miss M. W. Janes, S.R.N., S.C.M., R.S.C.N. 

Miss M. E. John, A.M.I.A. 

Miss C. A. McPherson, M.A. 

Miss E. Tylden, M.B., B.Chir., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 

Sir Harry Platt ceased to be a member of the Council when he relinquished 
the Presidency of the Royal College of Surgeons on 11th July, 1957. 

T Miss Raven ceased to be a member of the Council and the Committee on 
being appointed Deputy Chief Nursing Officer to the Ministry of Health, 
but she continued to attend meetings as an observer on behalf of the 

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Dear Lord Cohen, 

11, Lome Street, 
Manchester, 13. 

28 th October, 1958. 

With this letter I send you the report of the Committee on the Welfare 
of Children in Hospital which the Central Health Services Council 
appointed on 12th June, 1956. 

The Committee have found the subject of absorbing interest and we 
are only sorry that its ramifications have proved too wide to permit us 
to report sooner. It is clear that interest in the subject among parents 
and hospitals has been growing steadily since we were appointed and we 
believe that a movement towards a new concept of child care in hospitals 
is already well advanced. We trust that the results of our enquiry may 
be of some value in consolidating this progress and encouraging further 

We should like to record our appreciation of the services of Mr. 
R. G. Lavelle and Mrs. J. M. Craig, who successively acted as our 
Secretaries and dealt ably and skilfully with the assembling of material 
for us to study and the recording of our proceedings. We are also 
grateful to Mr. A. R. W. Bavin, the Secretary of the Council, for his 
help in the later stages of the drafting of our report. 

Yours sincerely, 

(Sgd.) Harry Platt, 

The Lord Cohen of Birkenhead, J.P., M.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.C.P., 

Central Health Services Council, 

Ministry of Health, 

Savile Row, 

London, W.l. 



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Introduction 1 

The Central Problem 2 


Home Care 5 

Out-Patients and Day Patients 6 



Types of Hospital Accommodation 7 

Design of Wards 9 

Medical Staffing 10 

Nursing Organisation 10 

Occupational Therapy 11 

Social Work 11 


General Contacts 11 

The Family Doctor .12 

Local Authority Staff 12 

Hospital Staff 12 

Leaflets and Letters 12 

Preparatory Talks 13 

Preparation of the Child 13 


Planned Admission 14 

Re-admission 15 

Emergency Admissions 15 


1 . General 16 

2 . The Admission of Mother and Child 17 

3 . Visiting Arrangements IB 

General 18 

Unrestricted Visiting by Parents 19 

Evening Visits . . .21 

Operating Days 21 

Interviews with Medical and Nursing Staff ... 21 

Visitors other than Parents 21 

Children with no Visitors .21 

Facilities for Visitors 22 

Financial Aid 22 


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4. Education 23 

5. Other Aspects of In-patient Care 25 

Recreation 25 

Discipline 25 

Safety Measures 26 

Personal Possessions 26 

Food 26 

Toilet Training ..27 

Information about Children’s Progress .... 27 

Transfers 27 

Spiritual Welfare 27 


General 28 

Preparation 28 

Treatment and Recovery Rooms 29 

Premedication 29 

Presence of Mother during Recovery from Anaesthesia . . 29 

Ward Rounds . . . .29 


Long Stay Hospitals 29 

The Blind and Deaf 31 

Infectious Disease Hospitals .31 

Operations for Removal of Tonsils and Adenoids . , .32 

Eye Operations . . . .33 





List of Organisations and Individuals who gave Evidence . 42 

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1. We were appointed .at a meeting of the Central Health Services Council 
held on 12th June, 1956, and were given the following terms of reference: 

“ To make a special study of the arrangements made in hospitals for the 
welfare of ill children — as distinct from their medical and nursing treat- 
ment — and to make suggestions which could be passed on to hospital 

2. We met 20 times to consider written and oral evidence and for 
discussion. We invited evidence from a large number of organisations and 
we wish to thank those named in the Appendix for the evidence they 

3. Our inquiry had already been preceded by a number of studies by the 
Central Health Services Council of particular aspects of child care in hospital. 
The Council had on several previous occasions considered the question of 
visits to children in hospital and their advice had been the subject of three 
memoranda which were issued to hospital authorities between 1949 and 
1956, asking hospital authorities to allow daily visiting for children in all 
hospitals. They also published a report in 1953 on the Reception and Welfare 
of In-Patients in Hospital which included among its recommendations 
suggestions about visiting hours for children and the help that might be given 
to parents in preparing the child for admission. We have taken note of all 
this work for its bearing upon our study. 

4. Public interest in the question of children in hospital is considerable, 
as has been shewn by the large amount of evidence we received from organisa- 
tions representing the views of parents. During the course of our enquiry the 
British Broadcasting Corporation broadcast two series of programmes which 
drew a large volume of correspondence from parents and others and we are 
grateful to the Corporation for making this correspondence available to us. 
The work of such organisations as the Central Council for Health Education , 
and the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has done much to inform 
public opinion. 

5. Although the routine statistics of patients admitted to National Health 
Service hospitals do not show children separately, it is possible to form some 
idea of the numbers affected from the 1951 census figures, and from the 
sample analysis of in-patients undertaken by the Ministry of Health and the 
General Register Office. On census night there were in hospital in England 
and Wales 36,856 children between the ages of 4 weeks and 14 years, 20,621 
of them boys and 16,235 girls. This represents 0-387 per cent, of the child 
population (0-15 years). Figures obtained from the sample analysis of in- 
patients in 1955 suggest that some 685,000 children under 15 were admitted to 
non-mental hospitals in that year, compared with a total of 3-5 million for 
persons of all ages, 


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6. During the past 50 years or so profound changes have taken place in the 
lives of children, at home and ait school. The child of today is better housed, 
better clothed and better nourished than at any time in our history. His 
individuality is recognised and appreciated both at home and in school and 
there is a growing readiness to understand and care for his emotional needs. 
Parents are adopting a much more liberal and sensitive attitude than in the 
past, and since 1948 they have had available to them a wide range of 
domiciliary health services, including the services of a family doctor. 

7. Along with this increased awareness of the child’s needs there have 
been changes in the relation of the hospital to the community and in patterns 
of medical treatment which are relevant to the child’s welfare in hospital. 
When most of our hospitals were built, the purpose of hospital care was 
primarily to permit the nursing of sick people many or most of whom had a 
background of poverty, bad housing and often malnutrition, while children 
of better off families were mused at home or in private nursing homes. Today 
ten years of a National Health Service have widened the hospitals’ sphere 
to cover the whole community, and have removed financial barriers to general 
medical care and specialist advice in the home. Hence new attitudes to patients 
of all ages are demanded. 

8. In addition, recent advances in medicine and surgery have made possible 
a new approach to the care of the sick child. These advances, along with the 
social effects of the National Health Service, have made it possible to treat 
more children at home ; and there is today an increasing awareness that even 
when children have to go 1 to hospital they do not necessarily have to be 
confined to bed. This implies that more thought has to be given to the 
welfare and occupation of ambulant children in hospital. 

9. The view has been expressed, rightly or wrongly, that the child who has 
to be admitted to hospital finds ‘himself in an environment which is un- 
necessarily different from that to which he is accustomed at home. The 
surroundings are strange and may be uninviting, discipline is said to be more 
severe, and his parents may have to be separated from him at a time when he 
is subjected to painful and distressing experiences. We accept that there is 
some substance in these opinions, and that some hospitals are more successful 
than others in lessening the upheaval of a child’s life which admission entails. 
But in fairness to those responsible for the management of hospitals it is 
essential that a sense of proportion be maintained in assessing the criticisms 
that have been made ; and it would certainly be wrong to assume that medical 
and nursing staffs in hospitals are generally unsympathetic. It must be 
remembered that the paramount duty of a hospital is to diagnose the patient’s 
ailment and to secure the appropriate treatment. This sometimes requires 
unpleasant and even painful procedures, which cause distress not only to the 
patient and his relatives, but to the medical and nursing staffs whose duty 
it is to perform them. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that most of 
our hospitals were built over 50 years ago and that their planning included 
little or no provision for amenities and services that are now regarded as 
desirable — peril aps even essential — for the welfare of patients. In many 
hospitals the existing shortcomings have been partly overcome by skilful and 


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• ingenious devices, and by a more modem approach to (the problems under 
consideration. But much remains to be done. 

10. We are unanimous in our opinion that the emotional needs of a child 
in hospital require constant consideration. Changes of environment and 
separation from familiar people are upsetting, and frequently lead to 
emotional disturbances which vary in degree and may sometimes last well into 
adult life. The Curtis Report^) dealt with, among other things, the diffi- 
culties arising in the lives of deprived children, and it emphasised the part 
played by unfamiliarity and separation. The child in hospital, particularly 
when separated completely from his parents, encounters conditions similar 
to those of the deprived child, with the added risk of painful and frightening 

11. We recognise that the training of medical students and nurses must 
concentrate on the physical aspects of illness but we think it takes too 
little account of the child’s emotional and mental needs. Until this defect 
is corrected there will be delay in recognising that hospital rituals and 
discipline, when maintained too strictly, may cause lasting harm, undermining 
the child’s self-confidence, his established habits and his capacity to develop 
and mature. 

12. In general the responsibility for bringing up and looking after children 
rests on the parents. So long as a child is educated and not neglected or 
physically ill-treated, the absolute authority of the parents will noit be 
challenged. Improved living conditions make it easier for parents in this 
generation to give their children a more satisfactory home life, with adequate 
care and affection. The training that they give their children is appropriate 
to the social setting of the family and varies, therefore, from family to 
family. Hospitals, on the other hand, still tend to impose a uniform routine 
regardless of the child’s home background. The disciplines of hospital life 
ought to recognise the authority of parents and respect their methods of 
handling their children ; otherwise the two modes of management may clash, 
presenting the child with a serious contradiction which can disrupt his 
training and make him feel insecure. The younger the child the more 
susceptible he is to confusion of this sort. Young children develop best in 
familiar surroundings where they learn easily through constant repetition. 
The hospital should, so far as is possible, avoid breaking this process of 
growth and learning and should realise that even a short stay in strange 
surroundings may seem interminable to a very young child. The new approach 
to the care of children in hospital should be based on a mutual understanding 
between hospital staffs and parents, and, an insight on the part of hospital 
staffs into the great advances in child care whioh have been made during the 
past 20 years or so. Their attitudes to parents should take into account 
the general rise in the standard of living and the influence of health education 
on the mind of the public. For it must tbe remembered that the school 
education of many mothers has included at least elementary physiology, 
nutrition and hygiene ; and in some cases — for example, those who have 
had nursing training — their knowledge reaches a fairly advanced level. 

13. Children in primary school today are given a greater chance than 
previously to learn along the lines of their own choice and to follow their 

0) Report of the Care of Children Committee (Cmd. 6922) 1946. 


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own 'types of development. Children’s rates of learning vary ; their interests 
fluctuate. Post-war schools in Great Britain have been carefully designed 
to meet the individual needs of growing children, recognising that children 
need light, air, interesting things to look at, room for movement and scope 
for individual activities. Earlier generations believed in standard patterns 
of learning. The design and decoration of many of our hospitals inevitably 
reflect the social pattern of previous generations, and this cannot but make 
it more difficult for medical and nursing staff to adopt the modern attitude 
towards child care. We may expect new attitudes to be reflected in future 
hospital design and in the renovation of existing buildings but special care 
is needed to ensure that the obsolete design of the older hospitals does not 
influence the care of child patients in the wrong direction. 

14. The effect of the separation of a child from his parents has received 
some prominence in the medical Press of late. This has been excellent in 
that it has drawn attention to adverse factors in hospital practice which 
had not previously received adequate consideration. There are, of course, 
forms of separation which do not seem to be inherently harmful. It is, for 
example, common practice in this country to send quite young children away 
to stay with relatives or even to place them in foster homes for periods of 
weeks or months if the mother is ill. In these cases the emotional security 
of the child is easily safe-guarded by frequent visits from the father or 
other familiar figures. Children of 5 experience the sharp break of attending 
school, but this is only disruptive when the home life or school are unsatis- 
factory. Admission to hospital appears to be potentially more detrimental 
than any other common form of separation because it so often involves an 
element of fear. Hospital staff, when concerned with the care of children, 
and in their dealings with parents, should take account of those factors in 
the child’s life that are considered by a good Children’s Officer when 
arranging for a temporary break because of a mother’s illness. Hence the 
desirability of frequent visiting by parents ; for when a child is confused, 
afraid, and perhaps in pain it is especially difficult for a stranger to offer 
him the sort of reassurance and comfort that makes him feel secure. Thus 
parents should not be denied access to their children in hospital in the 
mistaken belief that reassurance to a frightened child can be sufficiently 
afforded by a succession of nurses, however sympathetic they may be, none 
of whom is allocated to the child for this special purpose. 

15. The guiding principle which emerges for the care of children in 
hospital is that while the child must, of course, undergo the necessary 
investigations and treatment for the condition from which he is suffering, 
he should be subjected to the least possible disturbance of the routines to 
which he is accustomed. Every effort should be made by hospitals to 
preserve continuity with the home during the time the child is in hospital. 
At the same time it must be recognised that children are more vulnerable 
to new and potentially frightening experiences and become more easily 
confused in strange surroundings than do adults. The attention they require 
therefore varies in a number of ways from that given to adult hospital 
patients. It follows that : 

(1) Special attention should be paid to devising methods of management 
of the sick child which avoid admission to hospital. 


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(2) If a child has to go into hospital, everything possible should be 
done to meet the special needs to which we have referred. 

16. It is outside our terms of reference to offer a detailed study of 
alternative ways in which children can be treated without becoming hospital 
in-patients but we refer briefly to some possibilities in Section II below. 
The remainder of the report deals first with general matters of hospital 
organisation as they affect the welfare of children and then proceeds to a 
general discussion of the child’s special needs in relation to preparation for 
admission, reception, in-patient care and discharge. Important as each of 
these different aspects is, in-patient care is the kernel of the problem in 
relation to our terms of reference. We have devoted a separate section of the 
report to the welfare aspect of medical treatment, another to types of care 
which present particular problems, and a final section to the training of staff 
concerned with the care of children. We have not made a special study of 
children in mental and mental deficiency hospitals : but we consider that the 
general approach that runs through our recommendations is applicable in 
those hospitals and that some of our detailed suggestions could be adopted 
in them with advantage. (For mental deficiency hospitals — but not now neces- 
sarily mental hospitals— -our remarks about the special problems of long- 
stay patients are of course relevant.) 



17. Although our terms of reference concern the welfare of children while 
in hospital, we think it right to refer briefly to alternative forms of care 
which may make it unnecessary for the child to be sent to hospital. Children, 
particularly very young children, should only be admitted to hospital when 
the medical treatment they require cannot be given in other ways without 
real disadvantage. This may seem obvious but it is a consideration which 
should always be in the minds of those responsible for the admission of 
children to hospital and evidence submitted to us suggests that it is still 
often overlooked. 


18. When the nature of the illness and home conditions permit, mothers 
should be encouraged to nurse a sick child at home, under the care of the 
family doctor and with assistance, where necessary, from the home nurse. 
Too few local authorities as yet provide special nursing services for home 
care of children and the extension of such schemes should be encouraged. 
If children are to be nursed at home it is important that the mother should 
not only have sufficient skilled nursing assistance when she requires it but 
also such domestic help as she needs. The instruction of mothers in the care 
of sick children is most important ; we were interested to hear of classes in 
child nursing that had been held for mothers in one medical practice. These, 
it was claimed, resulted in a decrease in the number of admissions to 
hospital of children from the practice. The County Borough of Rotherham 
have pioneered a special home nursing scheme ; St. Mary’s Hospital, Padding- 
ton, run an experimental scheme with a team of consultant registrar and 


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niirses^ who visit children in their own homes ; the City of Birmingham and 
the Birmingham Children’s Hospital have collaborated in a comparable 
scheme. , 

19. We regard it as essential that such schemes should be based on the 
closest co-operation between the family doctor and the local authority ser- 
vices with the help of the hospital and specialist services as necessary, and 
we trust that every encouragement will be given to the care of the sick child 
in his own home. 


20. Many children who attend hospital may require no more than a brief 
stay within the building. They either attend out-patient clinics or are admitted 
to hospital for a day only for some operation or investigation which allows 
them to be discharged home the same evening or next day. 

21* Ideally the out-patient department to which children are sent should 
be in close proximity to the children’s wards and separate from the adult out- 
patient department, where they may be exposed to unpleasant or, to a child, 
alarming sights and sounds. We realise that at present separate departments 
are rarely possible, but we recommend that in future more hospitals 
should have a separate children’s out-patient department, or at least arrange 
for children to attend at special times when adults are not called. If for a 
special reason it is inevitable that children must attend the same clinics 
as adults, a separate room should be found for them to wait in. 

22. Waiting time for children should be reduced to the minimum. Appoint- 
ments systems for all out-patients have already been enjoined on hospital 
authorities and widely adopted, and with children it is specially important 
that the time of arrival should be close to the time when they see the doctor. 
It should at the least be possible to spread attendance times by half-hourly 
block appointments ; or short daily sessions to which children can come with- 
out appointment may sometimes be found the best method of avoiding waits. 
An appointment system should not of course operate in such a way as to 
prevent attention being given to an acutely ill child. 

23. Children’s out-patient departments should have adequate accommo- 
dation for mothers and babies as well as children and should include waiting- 
rooms, a canteen, space for perambulators and rooms where feeds can be 
prepared and babies fed. Attractive decorations and furnishings and a supply 
of suitable toys are also important. A playroom in which some form of play 
group can be organised— perhaps by voluntary helpers— is valuable, and large 
fixed, toys like the Swedish cubes and tunnels can provide better entertainment 
than small toys for the very young. Suitable literature should be available for 
the older children. Comfortable seating for parents and for children of 
different sizes is important. Hospitals who want expert advice on decorations 
and furnishings can make use of the services of such 'bodies as the Council of 
Industrial Design. 

24. To give adequate service the out-patient department needs to have the 
essential diagnostic services, particularly X-Ray and routine pathology, in 
close proximity and there should be extremely clear signposting as wel as 
receptionist guides. Close liaison with the children’s wards should be main- 
tained. There should be in every children’s out-patient department people 


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who are responsible for answering parents’ enquiries, showing them where to 
go, and generally ensuring that they are looked after. These people may be 
either paid receptionists or voluntary workers ; most hospitals are unable 
to recruit as many receptionists as they need and voluntary workers can 
usefully supplement the services of the regular staff. Such volunteers should 
be given some preliminary training in the organisation and lay-out of the 
hospital before they take up their duties. 

25. Many of our observations about out-patient departments apply also to 
casualty departments, but os these departments also present additional prob- 
lems in relation to children receiving in-patient treatment we deal with them 
separately under “ Reception Arrangements” (paragraphs 61-63). 

26. A small but apparently increasing number of hospitals admit child 
patients— mostly infants— -for a day only, for surgical operations of a simple 
nature or special investigations. The surgical procedures undertaken include 
circumcision, antrum lavage and herniotomy ; some are conducted under 
local anaesthesia. In -some hospitals patients are kept overnight and discharged 
the following day. 

27. The practice is no doubt based on the belief that the risk of cross 
infection in a very young infant outweighs the advantages of admission, but 
we would also commend it as one that conforms with the general principle 
stated in paragraph 15 (1) above. It should however be used with discrimina- 
tion and should be subject to the following provisos:' 

(a) The hospital doctors concerned should be satisfied that the treatment 

required can be given in this way without danger to the child ; 

( b ) It should be ascertained from the general practitioner that the 
home is suitable for follow-up treatment and that adequate medical 
and nursing supervision can be provided ; 

(c) Separate accommodation should be available in the hospital ; 

(d) Attention should be paid to the needs of waiting parents. 




28. At present children may be nursed in four kinds of accommodation: 

(1) In a children’s hospital, 

(2) In a children’s ward in a general or special purpose hospital. 

(3) In a children’s unit in a special department, e.g. Ear, Nose and Throat 

or Eye department. 

(4) In an adult ward. 

In any of these types of accommodation children may be nursed either in 
large undivided wards or in partially sub-divided wards or in wards with one 
bed only. 

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29. Evidence which we received from the Nuffield Foundation, Division 
for Architectural Studies, and which was based on a survey of fourteen hos- 
pital groups, suggested that varying proportions of children are admitted to 
adult wards. During four six-week recording periods in the hospitals surveyed 
2,684 children aged 1 to 11 and 2,389 aged 12 to 16 were admitted to 
adult wards compared with _ 12,757 children admitted to children’s 
wards. 56 per cent of the Children aged 1 to 11 in adult wards were 
admitted for tonsil and adenoid operations or the correction of sq uin t and, 
of the total of 2,684, 819 were admitted to beds specifically set aside for the 
use of children though not actually classified as Children’s beds. The propor- 
tion of children aged 1 to 11 admitted to adult wards to the total number 
admitted to children’s wards varied widely between different hospitals. 

30. The nursing of children in adult wards has been defended on the 
following grounds : 

(a) the child can then be under the care of a particular consultant 
or nursed by a particular team ; 

(b) one child in a group of adults is quiet and appears to be both 

safely supervised and sometimes entertained by the adults ; 

(c) the single child can be “ mothered ” by the Sister of the adult ward, 

who does not have to divide her attention among many children ; 

(d) finally, it is argued that an infant may escape the bugbear of cross 
infection in a children s ward by being nursed in an adult ward. 

31. Much evidence against the practice was offered to us and we do 
not find the above arguments convincing when they are weighed against the 
needs of children for special care and for the stimulus of other children. 
There is a growing feeling that an adult ward is no place in which to nurse 
sick children. They are all too likely to see sights and hear sounds which 
are an affront to them ; their habits, whether of excretion or sleeping, work 
to a different time schedule ; and the noise that is natural for many children 
to make can be very disturbing to an ill adult. 

32. We strongly recommend, therefore, that children should not be nursed 
in adult wards, whether medical or surgical. This principle was supported 
in evidence by the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of 
Surgeons, the British Medical Association, the British Paediatric Association, 
the Royal Medico-Psychological Association and the Royal College of 
Nursing and should only be over-ruled for periods of highly specialised 
treatment which can at present only be given in an adult ward or for 
emergencies when no bed in a children’s ward is available. Even then the 
child should be returned or transferred to the children’s unit as soon as 
possible. In those hospitals where children are at present scattered through 
adult wards, they should be gathered into a children’s unit available to any 
member of the medical staff. 

. 33 ' ° ur remar ks about children in adult wards apply also to adolescents ; 

indeed m our view it is even more important that adolescents should not 
be in a position to overhear some of the conversation of an adult ward, 
e ;g- a gynaecological ward. Ideally, adolescents need their own accommoda- 
tion, but if the numbers admitted do not permit this it is better for them 
to be nursed with children than with adults. 


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34. It has been suggested to us that the aim should be to nurse all 
children in children’s hospitals. There are, however, various considerations 
which make this proposal impracticable. It is not desirable that a child 
should be removed to a children’s hospital which may be far from his 
home, thus making it difficult for his parents to visit him, when he could 
be nursed in a children’s ward in the local hospital, which is in the charge 
of a children’s specialist visiting from a neighbouring centre sufficiently 
frequently. The greater the distance from a main children’s centre the less 
the likelihood that the child will be sent to it and the greater the need 
for the doctor rather than the patient to travel. Although it may be best 
for the child requiring some unusual form of treatment to be nursed where 
there are special facilities, if his needs are more simple he will undoubtedly 
be much happier in a children’s ward near home. The majority of children 
admitted to hospital are suffering from common conditions which can be 
managed in small children’s units and there is no reason why our recom- 
mendations concerning the welfare of the child should not be adopted in 
small units just as in large ones. It is very difficult to lay down rules about 
the minimum size of children’s units, but we believe it should be possible 
to run children’s wards with as few as eight to ten beds, and that this number 
would justify the appointment of a sick children’s trained nurse. 


35. We have not been able to make a detailed study of the design of 
children’s wards. We understand that some aspects of this subject are at 
present being considered by the Nuffield Foundation, Division for Architec- 
tural Studies, and their findings will be published in due course. We have, 
however, had various views expressed to us and the following comments 
have some bearing on planning of future buildings : 

(1) Children, once they are beginning to talk, enjoy each other’s com- 

pany and they should, therefore, when medical considerations 
permit, be nursed in wards with other children and not in completely 
separate single bed wards. There will of course be certain excep- 
tions, for example, the child seriously ill or suffering from infectious 
disease who has to be separated from the rest. Children who are 
in cubicles feel much less isolated when the glass in the partitions 
separating them reaches well below eye level so that they can easily 
see each other. 

(2) Children are often put in adjacent beds simply because they are under 

the care of the same consultant. As far as possible children of the 
same age group should be kept together within the ward, so that 
they can enjoy each other’s company. Very young children should be 
grouped together so that they do not isolate the older ones from 
each other. 

(3) Children who are in bed need a view and facilities for outside play 

whether on a balcony or a playground. Inside the ward colour 
schemes and furnishings should be bright and cheerful and there 
should be a plentiful supply of toys and suitable games. We make 
further recommendations about toys in paragraph 101. 


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(4) All children’s wards need a play room, preferably visible to the 

children in bed. Noise can be cut off by glass screens but the sick 
child derives a stimulus to get better from seeing others play. 

(5) With the present tendency for children to be up and about to a 

greater degree than in the past, prevention of accidents must always 
be borne in mind in designing children’s wards but it is important 
that measures to this end should not be allowed to make the 
accommodation look unfriendly and forbidding. 

(6) The design of the children’s ward should be such as to permit nurses 

always to keep the patients under proper supervision. 


36. Sick children in hospital come under the care of various members of 
the medical staff. Although the actual responsibility for care of individual 
children must often rest with consultants in other specialities, a children’s 
physician should have a general concern with the care of all the children, 
not so much in the details of medical treatment as in the general management 
of the unit. This is obviously of special importance at the earlier ages. In 
addition, the rapid extension of the child guidance services means that a 
children’s psychiatrist is available in many areas. He will not necessarily 
see all the children in hospital who show evidence of emotional disturbances 
but he can be helpful in discussing with other members of the hospital staff 
the handling of individual disturbed children and any general psychiatric 
problems arising in the ward. 


37. The keystone of the nursing organisation is the sister in charge of the 
ward. She sets the whole tone of the ward atmosphere and the welfare of 
both children and parents depends greatly upon her judgment and guidance. 
She should be a Registered Sick Children’s Nurse as well as S.R.N., and 
should have had experience as a staff nurse in a children’s ward before being 
appointed as sister. Apart from her direct responsibilities for the care of the 
children in the ward she is in a key position to interpret the needs of 
children and their parents to other members of the hospital staff. For instance 
she can ensure that any medical auxiliaries who come into contact with the 
children are alive to the need for special care in dealing with children and 
for a different approach to children of different ages. 

38. The child in hospital, particularly during the first few days, should be 
handled by as few people as possible. Children suffer from passing through 
too many different pairs of hands. For the child’s own welfare, a method of 
nursing which gives him a sense of security through being nursed by a 
familiar person, as in patient or case-assignment, is preferable to other 
systems. Shortage of nursing staff makes this type of care difficult to arrange, 
but there is no doubt that it is the ideal to be aimed at. Whatever method of 
nursing is used, a higher ratio of nurses to patients will be needed in children’s 
wards than in most adult wards. 

39. Some hospitals have found it useful to have nursery nurses to occupy 
and help with the younger children, thus relieving the more highly trained 
nurses for skilled nursing duties. If nursery nurses are employed, they should 
be used to the fullest extent that their training and natural aptitude allows to 
assist in the various aspects of care of children under 5 years of age. 


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40. Occupational therapists are at present employed in some children’s 
wards in general hospitals and in many long-stay hospitals, but they are usually 
fully occupied in giving treatment to individual patients and are unable to 
give time to group activities. Their preliminary training qualifies them to 
a certain extent to organise play and recreation and there is a post-graduate 
course for them in play therapy and play diagnosis. If occupational therapists 
were able to devote more time to this kind of work, they could not only 
organise play but instruct other helpers in this important aspect of child care. 


41. The recovery of the sick child may be retarded by emotional dis- 
turbance which can be aroused by parents who are anxious, or social factors 
may have operated in producing the condition for which the child is being 
treated. The almoner therefore has an important part to play in relation 
to the care of children in hospital, for she is in a position to maintain 
contact with the parents and the home and also to provide a link with 
the social services of local authorities, voluntary organisations, etc. Almoners 
and other trained case workers are skilled in eliciting hidden factors which 
parents may be too diffident to discuss otherwise ; they can also help in 
solving parents’ financial problems. We trust that all hospitals admitting 
children will be alive to the value of the social worker’s contribution. 

42. Psychiatric social workers, when available, can be of assistance with 
children showing more obvious behaviour disorder. These workers are 
specially trained in handling emotional disturbances and have an important 
function not only in connection with the treatment of these disturbances 
but in advising on relationships between staff and parents and upon the 
control of group tensions where they exist. 

43. The risk that any child will be disturbed by hospital admission 
can be reduced by suitable preparation of both parents and children. In 
this section we discuss the kind of preparation that should be attempted, 
how it should be done and by whom. 


44. Apart from the hospital’s role in preparing a child for imminent 
admission, informal contacts between a hospital and the community do 
much to increase the confidence of parents and children in the hospital’s 
ability to look after the children should they ever have to be admitted. These 
informal contacts can be fostered by various means, for example through 
such organisations as “Friends of the Hospital”, who may collect money 
for hospital funds, visit patients in hospital and be associated with the 
hospitals in various other ways, such as the running of hospital libraries. 
Hospital staff may be reluctant to “ advertise ” the work of the hospital, 
but the desire to avoid publicity can do harm if it allows prejudice and 
inaccurate information about the hospital to circulate in the community. 



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It is helpful to have “open days” when hospital staff show round people 
who are anxious to know more about hospital life. We would also welcome 
more opportunities for members of the hospital staff to talk to Clubs and 
Societies about the work of the hospital. In all these ways it is possible 
for a spirit of co-operation and goodwill to be built up between hospital 
staff and the community, and so to lessen the strangeness of the surroundings 
should a child have to be admitted. 


45. The child will normally have been referred to hospital by the family 
doctor, who has an important part to play in preparing the whole family 
for the experience. Many parents have anxieties and fears about hospital 
life and about their child’s illness, and worry is very easily communicated 
to the child. The family doctor can do a great deal to help and reassure 
by explaining to the parents the reason for the child’s admission, the kind 
of treatment he will be given in hospital and, if the parents have no know- 
ledge of it, details of hospital routine. To enable him to fulfil these functions 
a knowledge of the local hospital is essential and the hospital should accord 
him all possible facilities for securing this and should welcome visits by 
him t© children he has referred, 


46. The majority of mothers have attended local authority clinics with 
their children at some time in their lives. The staff of these clinics can help 
to foster the understanding of parents and children so that hospital admission 
is less alarming. Mention was made in the evidence submitted to us of the 
appointment by local health authorities of a health visitor to act as liaison 
officer with the hospital or to keep in touch with the almoner or ward 
sister. Such arrangements undoubtedly secure a smooth liaison between the 
hospital and local authority and make for a better understanding between 
parents and hospital staff, 


47. When the child is referred to an out-patient department and it is 
decided then to admit him to hospital, the responsibility for explaining to 
the parents and child the need for, and the implications of admission will 
rest with the consultant or other senior member of the medical staff who 
makes the decision. We consider that this interview should be followed, if 
possible at the same visit, by a talk with another member of the hospital 
staff responsible for explaining the details of admission and answering 
questions. (We discuss this fully in the section on preparatory talks below.) 
We are convinced that time spent in this way makes for the happiness of 
the child later on, and would recommend that hospital staffs should pay 
special attention to this first stage in the child’s admission to hospital 


48. Several hospitals issue leaflets to parents of children who are to be 
admitted to hospital. Some hospitals have designed their own leaflets ; others 
make use of a standard one such as is supplied by the Central Council for 
Health Education. The evidence given to us showed that leaflets were 
regarded as useful both by professional workers and by the lay public, 
although they are only one facet of preparation for admission. 


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49. In designing leaflets the following points should be borne in mind : 

(1) It should be clear whether the leaflet is intended for parents or 

children. If the latter, it should be realised that children of different 
ages have different requirements. 

(2) If admission is likely to be delayed for a long time, the information 

should be general, and limited to essentials. Too detailed instructions 
given months ahead can cause unnecessary anxiety. 

(3) The more detailed information given immediately before admission 

should be as personal as possible. For example, parents should 
always be addressed by name and the names of the doctor and the 
ward sister should be given if possible. Parents also need to know 
what their children should bring into hospital, and the arrangements 
for visiting and for dealing with enquiries about the child while he 
is in hospital. 

(4) Leaflets will only be read if proper attention is given to lay out and 

illustration. Parents are used to a very high standard in advertise- 
ments, and leaflets for children which may include strips of “ hospital 
games” should come as near as possible to the standard set by 
contemporary children’s publications. 

(5) The information contained in leaflets must be kept up to date. 


50. While leaflets and letters can be very helpful in paving the way for 
admission we suggest that they cannot replace discussion with hospital staff. 
We have already referred to the need for an interview with some member 
of the hospital staff who can explain matters of detail and answer questions: 
when admission is on the same day as the interview with the consultant this 
second interview can, of course, take place in the ward ; but when as is more 
common a child is placed on the waiting list it should preferably be given 
by a senior nurse on the out-patient clinic staff. Whoever sees the parents 
should have some .training in the conduct of an interview and it should be 
known to all the staff of the out-patient department that there is a particular 
person entrusted with this duty. Some parents like to visit the ward before 
their child is admitted and an opportunity to do this can best be provided 
at the stage when details of admission procedure are being explained. We 
doubt whether there is much to be gained by arranging for the child to pay 
an advance visit to the ward. 

51. Another way of increasing parents’ knowledge of the hospital which 
has been tried with success in some places is the holding of talks between 
the ward sister and a group of parents at some pre-arranged time. 


52. What we have said so far about preparation for admission relates 
chiefly to preparation of parents. This is because the confidence of the child 
depends on the degree of security he senses in his parents. The extent to which 
the child himself can be directly prepared depends on his age and emotional 
maturity ; the child under 4 probably needs to know only that he is going 
to hospital, that it is a nice place where people are made better, that the 
nurses will be kind and that mummy and daddy will be there at the 
beginning and then come back to visit him. The information given to older 


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children, depends upon their interests— one child will want to know the 
exact nature of the treatment he is to have, another whether he will be 
allowed to see something special, another whether he can take his favourite 
book or toy. No child, whatever his age, should be threatened with being 
sent away to hospital as a punishment and on the other hand no child 
should be given the idea that going to hospital is a special sort of treat or 
holiday. It is likely that it will fall to the parents to provide such direct 
preparation of the child as is possible and they are in the best position 
to know what he needs. 



53. First impressions are particularly important to a child entering 
hospital. When he may be naturally fearful of strange surroundings and 
parting from his parents. All his contacts with members of the hospital 
staff, from the porter at the gate to the nurses in the ward, will create vivid 
impressions, and the need for careful and tactful handling at each stage 
cannot be over-emphasised. There should be the least possible delay between 
entering the hospital and reaching the ward and if he is immediately 
welcomed there by the nursing staff and occupied, there is a better chance 
that he will settle easily and quickly. 

54. We suggest that the main admission procedure should take place in 
the ward where the child will be nursed and that the amount of information 
asked of parents before reaching , the ward should be kept to the min imum . 

55. The child will be very conscious of his surroundings and we believe 
that, whether the interview takes place in Sister’s office or on some other 
part of the ward, there should be as little as possible in the surroundings 
to frighten him and much to reassure him. It has been suggested to us 
that a playroom is a good place for the child to be welcomed, where he can 
play with toys or look at books, and where there is no frightening medical 

56. Wherever possible the Sister should welcome the child to the ward 
and if she cannot be there herself, she should delegate responsibility to a 
nurse of some seniority who will handle the situation tactfully and with 

57. We commend the practice which is already adopted in some hospitals 

whereby after reaching the ward the Sister talks to parents while another 
member of the nursing staff shews the child round, introducing him to other 
children and telling him something about ward routine. This is particularly 
important in the case of the younger child. During her interview with the 
mother, the Sister should find out about the child’s personal habits, his 
likes and dislikes, including for instance his name for the toilet,; and any 
other essential private vocabulary. Where a preliminary medical examination 
is part of the routine admission procedure the mother should be allowed 
to help. ■ ‘ ‘ ■ , •*.■;.■■■■ ■ - 


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58. If children are admitted to a ward during the day, we would recom- 
mend that, where possible on medical grounds, they should be allowed to 
stay up and not put to bed. It helps to lessen the strangeness of new 
surroundings, if the child can play with other patients and learn his way 
about the ward the younger children’s play can often be organised by 
student nurses. If the child is admitted at bedtime we recommend that the 
mother should be allowed to stay and help with feeding and putting to bed. 
It is a comfort to both the mother and the child if she is able to stay with 
him for this short period and do for him all the things that he associates 
with home, such as tucking him up in bed and saying prayers. 

59. Some children are very sensitive about the kind of clothes they may 
have to wear in hospital, and any clothing provided by the hospital should 
be as attractive and well fitting as possible. The experiment of allowing 
children to wear their own clothes in hospital, whether these are laundered 
by the hospital or are collected by visitors and taken home for laundering, 
is worth consideration. It is generally desirable to allow children to keep 
with them one or two personal possessions such as toys or books which they 
may have brought into hospital to provide some visible contact with home, 
once the parents have departed, even if it means that such toys must be 
abandoned on discharge. If a child has been used to some sort of “comforter” 
it should always be allowed unless there are special medical reasons against it. 


60. Where a child is re-admitted to hospital for treatment, it is a great 
help if he can be nursed in the ward which he already knows, and we hope 
that hospital authorities will arrange for this to be done whenever possible. 


61. A child may be admitted to hospital in an emergency either from 
home, for example with acute appendicitis, or from outside, for example 
following a street accident. Whatever the circumstances, the same principles 
apply as in planned admission, but because the child is usually more shocked 
and upset it will be even more important to reassure him. If the parents 
do not come with the child to hospital, they should be notified at once 
and when they are present, they should be given all possible help and 
support. They themselves may well be suffering from shock. 

62. Special attention should be paid to the arrangements, for receiving 
children in casualty departments whether they themselves are seriously injured 
or not. The routines of a busy casualty department provide quite unsuitable 
sights for children and separate accommodation screened from the rest of 
the department should be provided for them. Within this separate accom- 
modation children who are seriously injured should in turn be screened off 
from children waiting for quite trivial services. Nurses with experience in 
handling children should be available. Figures collected by the World Health 
Organisation suggest that the number of children involved in accidents is 
high— in seven of twelve countries supplying figures for 1951-53 from 30 
to 40 per cent of deaths in the age group 1—19 were due to accidents— and 
it seems likely that in all but the smaller centres separate . casualty accom- 
modation for them would be justifiable economically. 

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63, Much of what we have said about out-patient accommodation for 
children applies also to casualty departments, e.g., the need for canteen and 
other facilities to enable parents to wait in comfort. The capacity of the 
parents to keep the waiting child reassured depends to a large extent on 
the comfort and sustenance they themselves can obtain. Children should 
never be left unattended in casualty departments. 



64. As we have said, we regard the welfare of the child as an in-patient 
as the central subject of our enquiry and we have thought it right to preface 
our remarks on this by some discussion of the differing needs of children of 
different ages. We suggest that for this purpose children may be divided 
into three groups, the under 5s, those aged 5-12, and adolescents. 

65. Children under 5 need close emotional contact with familiar adults. 
They are best cared for by their own parents but failing this should be 
handled by as few people as possible. This is not only because the youngest 
members of the group are extremely susceptible to cross infection but 
because the effect of a multiplicity of people looking after them is to disrupt 
their development and learning. They need the stimulus of other children 
and opportunities for play and conversation to help them develop their 
powers of movement and speech. They also need a display of affection from 
people they can trust. Their understanding is unrelated to their superficial 
reactions and it is necessary for those who look after them to learn how to 
develop an insight into each individual child. Development among them is 
uneven, their activity is related to their mental age but their mental and 
emotional ages can be unrelated. Regression to infantile behaviour is 
common in the older members of the group and toilet training is extremely 
important. There is therefore much for the nurse to learn if she is to look 
after these young children properly and in a later section of our report we 
enlarge on the need for new methods of nurse training. 

66. Children over 5 have started school. They are thus used to being 
controlled in a group and have encountered school discipline. They are 
always searching for information and need adults whom they can trust, who 
will not deceive them (even with the best of intentions), contradict themselves 
or display uncertainty in handling them. Those over 8 can accept adult 
explanations provided that these do not go beyond their obvious interest. 
They can amuse themselves playing with the younger children and can 
use reading and writing material. All children in the group still need close 
contact with their parents but some have begun to understand the meaning 
of time. 

67. The requirements of adolescents differ from those of adults and 
children. They dislike being treated as children but are prepared to play 
with children as long as they have separate accommodation in which they 
can carry on their own special interest. In this age group failure to provide 
adequate educational facilities can be critical. We have already discussed 


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the needs of adolescents in terms of hospital organisation in paragraph 33 
and we discuss education in more detail in section VI. 4. 


68. An obvious way of preserving continuity between the child’s hospital 
and home life is by admitting the mother with the child and this is done 
in a few hospitals in this country where young children are concerned. One 
of the earliest hospitals to institute the practice was the Babies’ Hospital, 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where the late Sir James Spence admitted mothers with 
their babies so that they could continue to care for them. In one hospital in 
New Zealand mothers were allowed into hospital with their children as an 
experiment ito deal with the problem of cross-infection and as a result 
cross-infection was considerably reduced! 1 ). If an infant is being breast-fed 
there is a special reason for admitting the mother ; and it should be remem- 
bered that bottle feeding and other forms of care should not be too sharply 
interrupted with children under two. 

69. Hospitals that have tried admitting mothers with their children claim 
that the young child shows less emotional disturbance on his return home, 
that the experience is beneficial to nurses and mothers and creates a happy 
atmosphere in the ward, and that what the mother learns about the handling 
of her sick child can be of value to her if he falls ill again at home. Fear 
that the mother may get in the way of nurses and doctors and prove a 
hindrance to the child’s recovery has not been realised : on the contrary 
nursing of the child has been made easier and although some medical or 
surgical procedures may have to take place in the mother’s absence it 
seems in general to be of value to the doctor to have the mother nearby. 
It is of course of the essence of the practice that the mother should help 
in looking after the child including feeding, washing, keeping him enter- 
tained and putting him to bed and getting him up ; as well as comforting 
him during painful or unfamiliar medical and nursing procedures. 

70. We think there is much to be said for extension of the practice, more 
particularly where children under five are concerned, and that it is particularly 
valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during 
the first day or two, and thus to obviate the harm of a sharp separation and 
demonstrate mutual trust between parent and hospital staff. We realise that 
it may not always be possible for the mother to leave her own home, but this 
is for her to decide. There may be accommodation problems for the hospital 
but those hospitals that do admit mothers have been able to find the 
accommodation by simple adaptations. Expensive new buildings should not 
be necessary, particularly in view of the declining demand for hospital 
accommodation for children. In fact when the need has been appreciated 
the accommodation has usually been found. The correspondence received by 
the B.B.C. makes it clear that the practice is gaining in popularity with 
parents. In the undergraduate teaching hospitals the presence of the mother 
might well call for a modified technique in teaching, but one of the most 
valuable lessons for students is how to deal with a child’s relatives. We look 
to these hospitals to give a lead in the matter, bearing in mind their respon- 
sibility for (training the doctors of the future. 

O H. P. Pickerill, Lancet, February 28th and April, 10th, 1954. 


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71. When a child is in hospital he is in danger of losing contact with the 
outside world, which has been up ito that time the background of his develop- 
ment. If he is not kept in touch with the life that is familiar to him, he 
will suffer emotionally and mentally and his normal development will be 
retarded. It is vital that while he is in hospital he should be visited frequently 
so that he does not feel that hospital life is divorced from everything that 
he knows. The child “lives from day to day: he depends on the evidence 
of his senses and his understanding of the situation is fragmentary at best. 
A loving mother who remains absent is a figure whom he is incapable of 
conceiving. . . . His roots in home are dying.”! 1 ) 

72. Restrictions on visiting probably stem from three main causes, the 
fear that visitors will introduce infections, the belief that it is better for 
children not to be visited, and the expectation that visiting will disrupt the 
even tenor of the ward routine. An investigation into cross-infection carried 
out on behalf of the British Paediatric Association however, revealed no 
connection between visiting and cross-infection( 2 ), and experience of frequent 
visiting has shown the fear of infection to be generally groundless! 8 ). Modern 
psychologists consider that children suffer far more from not being visited 
than from any temporary upset that a visit may cause, and the experience 
of the majority of hospitals is that frequent visiting can be assimilated into 
the life of the ward without serious difficulty. 

73. It has been suggested to us that not all parents are able to take 
advantage of facilities for frequent visiting ; for instance, mothers who have 
other children to look after, those who fear to see their children in pain or 
distress which they cannot relieve, or those who cannot afford frequent long 
distance journeys. We deal later with possible sources of financial aid for 
those who need it ; for the rest we think that more parents, if the value 
of frequent visiting were properly explained to them, would welcome the 
maximum facilities for it, and in any event the reluctance of some to take 
advantage of such facilities is no reason for denying them to all. 

74.. The Ministry of Health, on the advice of the Central Health Services 
Council, has issued three circulars in the last ten years encouraging daily 
visiting of children and daily visiting is now the practice in most hospitals, 
though there are still some, particularly those for long stay cases and some 
isolation hospitals, that do not encourage it. The length of time allowed varies 
from half an hour to two hours a day, although it usually does not exceed 
one hour. Visitors are however seldom permitted on operating days, some- 
times only parents may visit, and few hospitals allow visits by children under 
14 years of age. 

75. We consider it most desirable for the majority of children not only 
that they should be visited daily but that there should be as few restrictions 
on visiting as is consistent with the efficient running of the ward. The younger 
the child the more important is it that he should be visited frequently ; with 

( ! ) Anna Freud, Lancet, 28th November, 1953. 

O Watkins, A. G. and Lewis-Faning, E„ 17th September, 1949, 

! 3 ) e.g. Moncrieff, A.A., 5th January, 1952. 


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tiny children, who are in hospital for a long time and are not visited, the 
parents may find that the child who returns home is a stranger to .them and 
this may lead to serious domestic difficulties. The importance of frequent 
visits diminishes to a variable extent according to the age, emotional 
maturity, past history and home background of the child, but it is now 
generally agreed that it is much better for a child to be visited daily, even 
if he is upset at the end of visiting time, than to have no visitors and become 
quiet and withdrawn. In any event, upsets on parting can be minimised by 
sensible stage management. We suggest that the attitude of some hospitals 
to visiting needs to be thought out afresh and based on a different under- 
standing of the part visitors play in the life of the patient ; in particular 
there must be appreciation of the help that the mother can give to her sick 
child, by feeding him, washing him, playing with him and seeing to his 
toilet, and, on occasion by holding and comforting him when medical treat- 
ment is given. We recognise that visiting should not interfere with the 
education or treatment of children in hospital and we accept that visitors 
should not be in a room in which surgical dressings are actually being 
applied, for fear of spreading staphylococcal infection— but there are several 
times in the daily routine of any ward when visitors could be allowed, and 
we consider that the time has come to move away from the idea of strictly 
limited visiting hours, even when these occur daily, towards what is co mm only 
described as unrestricted visiting. 

Unrestricted Visiting by Parents 

76. “Unrestricted visiting” as we understand it, means that parents are 
allowed into the ward at any reasonable hour during the day. The precise 
time at which visiting hours may begin and end must vary with local con- 
ditions, and in any case the Ward Sister will be able to tell parents at which 
times of day it is inconvenient to have them in the ward. Unrestricted visiting 
does not mean that parents are in the ward all the time. It does mean that 
they can arrange their visits to fit in with their other family commitments. 
Hospitals which have tried the experiment of unrestricted visiting find that 
some parents want to spend a large part of the day in the ward, but many 
will come in for a few minutes at a time, perhaps two or three times a day. 

77. Several arguments have been put to us for and against unrestricted 
visiting, the practice of which is not as yet widespread, and we should like 
to mention these briefly. The arguments in favour of .the practice may 
be summarised as follows : 

(1) Children are very much happier, particularly the younger ones. For 

the young child even daily visiting is not frequent enough when 
it means that he only sees his mother for a limited period each day. 

(2) There is much less tension in the ward, because there is no anticipa- 

tion of a set visiting hour and a feeling of anti-climax once it is over, 

(3) Mothers with other children at home are able to fit visits into the 
family routine as suits them. Similarly fathers who are at work 
all day can come in the evening. 

(4) Mothers who are helping to look after their children in the ward 

are noticeably much more relaxed and less apprehensive than when 
they come in for a limited visiting time. Relations between nursing 
staff and parents are more friendly and informal. 


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(5) If the mother is able to undertake some of the routine care of the 
child, including keeping him occupied and entertained, the nurses 
have more time for work that they alone can do. 

78. Arguments which are sometimes advanced against unrestricted visit- 
ing may be summarised as follows : 

(i) The presence of parents in the ward from early morning until late 
in the evening prevents the staff getting on with their duties and 
hinders ward rounds. 

(ii) The wards are said to be noisier and less tidy. 

(iii) The application of the practice to a teaching hospital might present 
special difficulties in relation to teaching ward rounds. 

(iv) The child who has no visitors will feel neglected. 

(v) The limitation of unrestricted visiting to parents may occasionally 
give rise to invidious distinctions. 

79. We have considered all these arguments carefully and in our judg- 
ment the advantages of unrestricted visiting far outweigh the disadvantages. 
We attach particular importance to the argument that children are much 
happier when there is unrestricted visiting and we have received evidence 
that the normal life of a hospital can continue even though the_ wards are 
open to parents and that nurses can be helped rather than hindered by 
having mothers present to look after the child in many small ways. Indeed, 
the evidence submitted to us has convinced us that where the practice 
has been adopted, both in teaching and non-teaching hospitals, all the 
difficulties mentioned above have yielded to simple adjustments, including 
if necessary a change in the technique of ward teaching. 

80. We hope therefore that all hospitals where children are treated will 
adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting, particularly for children below 
school age. Again, this applies perhaps with particular force to the teach- 
ing hospitals, in view of their responsibility for demonstrating to medical 
students the special needs of the child in hospital. 

Settling In 

81. The time when a child most needs to see his parents is during the 
first few days following admission. It is sometimes thought that if a child 
is only in hospital for a few days he does not need to be visited, or that 
a child should be left alone until he is “ settled The reverse is true ; while 
his surroundings are new and strange he needs the support of someone 
he knows and trusts ; once he has settled into hospital routine he is more 
secure and relies less on his parents. Parents should be particularly encouraged 
to visit as frequently as possible at the beginning of the child’s stay in 
hospital and short-stay cases should be visited at least as frequently as 
children admitted for a longer period. We have already referred to the 
value of allowing the mother to stay with her child during the first few 
days in hospital. The hospitals that have done this for some time (which 
include infectious diseases hospitals) comment that the parents maintain 
satisfactory relationships with their children based on. mutual trust and 
gradually visit less frequently so that the ward is not overcrowded with visitors. 


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Evening Visits 

82. Parents should also be encouraged to visit in the evening, when they 
will have an opportunity to help in settling the child for the night. They 
may be able to give the child supper and look after his other needs. There 
are obvious advantages to both the parents and ohild in letting them spend 
some time together just before he goes to sleep. (Moreover, the child’s relation- 
ship with the father is of the greatest importance and evening visits allow the 
parent who works to maintain contact with the child without incurring 
financial loss or jeopardising the efficiency of the home. 

Operating Days 

83. We should like to see the restrictions lifted on visiting on operating 
days. If parents are properly prepared and are willing to help, they can be 
present both immediately before, and when the child is recovering from the 
anaesthetic. We return in paragraphs 114-15 to the part the parent can play 
in this. 

Interviews with Medical and Nursing Staff 

84. The difficulty parents have in getting enough authoritative inf ormation 
about the treatment, progress and after care of their children is a common 
and well-founded complaint, and there is we are sure a wide need for a more 
forthcoming attitude on the part of hospital authorities in this direction. 
We do not suggest that parents should be able to have an interview with the 
consultant or sister whenever they visit — indeed with unrestricted visiting 
this would manifestly be out of the question — but it is essential that there 
should be certain fixed times, known to the parents, at which they can get 
authoritative information at first hand. We have no doubt that complaints 
about importuning of medical and nursing staff by parents reflect failure to 
make proper organised arrangements to meet parents’ legitimate needs. 

Visitors other than Parents 

85. Some hospitals allow no visitors other than parents or guardians ; 
others admit adult visitors, but do not permit children under 14 to visit. 
The most important visitors from the child’s point of view are his mother 
and father, and we suggest that unrestricted visiting by others than parents 
is not necessary to the child’s welfare unless there is some other person in 
loco parentis ; it should be possible, however, to have set visiting hours for 
other relatives and friends once or twice a week. Although an occasional 
visit from a brother or sister, or a young friend, may be much appreciated by 
the sick child, we realise that this entails risks of introducing infections 
that do not arise with visits by adults. 

Children with No Visitors 

_ 86. We have had a good deal of evidence about the problem presented by 
children who have no visitors. The reasons for this may be economic, or the 
parents of children in problem families may visit less frequently or not at 
all. Also a single parent with a family may find visiting extremely difficult. 
In spite of this it was pointed out to us that social workers were able to 
persuade parents to visit children who had remained unvisited for months or 
even years on end, in spite of difficulties in the home, thus avoiding the 
need for the child to be “ taken into care ”. It is the responsibility of 


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hospital staff to tell parents simply, avoiding any suggestion of 'blame, that 
visiting is part of the treatment which the child needs. There may however be 
difficulties which cannot be overcome in this way, as in a case where the 
mother, a widow, was herself in a long-stay hospital. It is generally agreed 
that some arrangements should be made for visiting by others in such cases. 
There are various ways in which this can be encouraged ; mothers of other 
children in the ward are often very willing to entertain those without 
visitors ; sometimes there are relatives or friends of the child living near 
the hospital ; voluntary helpers may also assist in this way. It is important 
that there should be only one or two visitors allocated to each child, and 
that visiting should not be organised on a rota system. This may be a 
difficult recommendation to put into practice when the time that can be given 
by voluntary helpers is limited, but we believe that the benefit may be lost 
if a series of visitors, all unfamiliar, tries to comfort the child. It is 
particularly important with children under five that they should get to know 
one particular person and that the visitor should have some knowledge of the 
kind of occupation and entertainment the child needs. 

Facilities for Visitors 

87. At present too few hospitals have been able to provide amenities for 
visitors, e.g. canteens, or in the case of hospitals at a distance from towns, 
waiting rooms and we should like to see this deficiency made good. Such 
amenities are an integral part of a fully-developed hospital, but if more urgent 
demands on Exchequer funds make it difficult to fit them into official 
building programmes voluntary organisations such as Leagues of Friends 
may be able to help. Another amenity which is much appreciated is a 
playroom where mothers who cannot leave their other children at home 
may bring them to the hospital and leave them in the care of a member 
of the hospital staff or of voluntary helpers. We hope that as soon as 
possible all hospitals dealing with children will make every effort to provide 
these essential facilities. 

Financial Aid 

88. Some parents may incur considerable expense in visiting frequently, 
particularly when their children are in hospital for some time, or at some 
distance from home. These difficulties will increase with the increase in 
visiting that we confidently expect. There are already certain ways in which 
parents in need can receive financial aid. A survey, to which we have had 
access, carried out by the Institute of Almoners shows that the main source 
of financial help comes from Hospital Samaritan Funds, which may be partly 
derived from Endowment Funds and partly from voluntary contributions 
from the public. Other sources of help and the extent to which they are used, 
are as follows: 

(1) Local health authorities have certain powers to assist with grants, 
but it is probable that very few actually do so. 

(2) The National Assistance Board give grants to those who are 
already entitled to national assistance or who would be so entitled 
if the cost of travel were deducted from their resources. 

(3) The railway authorities give a concession to relatives of patients in 
long-stay hospitals, which entitles them to a return journey at 
reduced cost. 


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. ' (4) In the case of tuberculosis patients, tuberculosis afer-care commit- 

tees, which are often voluntary bodies acting as agents of local 
authorities, sometimes make available voluntary funds to relatives 
visiting patients in sanatoria. 

(5) Local education authorities may be willing to give financial assist- 
ance to enable parents who would otherwise be unable to do so 
to visit children who are receiving education in hospital. 

89. The arrangements for distributing hospital Samaritan Funds vary 
from hospital to hospital, but the most common arrangement seems to be 
for regular grants from these funds to be at the disposal of the almoner. 
Parents are sometimes informed in the initial letter that is sent to them 
before the child is admitted that help may be available or they may be told 
by the Sister on admission. They should always be told at this early stage 
that the almoner or other social worker is available to discuss with them 
any difficulties of this kind. If good liaison is maintained between the Sister 
and the almoner, there should be no difficulty in referring any needy cases 
to her. 

90. We hope that hospitals will make even more extensive use of 
Endowment and Samaritan Funds to assist relatives who find visiting a 
financial burden. 


91. “In general, there are two main reasons for educating children in 
Jiospital. First, an endeavour is made to ensure that they do not fall behind 
in their school work, and that they will be able to return to their normal 
places in the ordinary school. Secondly (and this applies particularly to the 
under fives) they are assisted to develop mentally in an orderly and 
harmonious manner. The child has been uprooted from his normal home 
environment. We have every reason to believe that the school makes an 
important contribution to the child’s mental health.” 

92. This quotation from the “ Health of the School Child ”(*) seems to us 
to sum up the reasons why every opportunity should be taken to provide 
education for children in hospital, and in recent years there has been a 
growing realisation of the importance , of this. For over a quarter of a 
century a number of long-stay hospitals have had recognised hospital 
schools attached to them. In addition since the passing of the Education 
Act, 1944, education authorities have had power to make arrangements for 
'teachers to work in hospitals where there are groups of children of school 
age. Any child over the age of 2 may be put on the school roll and where 
there is a large enough group of these children, the education authorities 
can provide nursery teachers in addition to teachers for the older children. 
School hours are usually from 9.30 to 11.30 in the morning and again from 
1.30 to 3.30 in the afternoon. In September 1956 the Ministry of Health and 
Ministry of Education sent memoranda to hospital and local education 
authorities drawing attention to the importance of education in hospitals 
and stressed the need for liaison between the two types of authority both 
in regard to the identification of need for education in hospital and to the 
provision to be made on discharged 2 ) 

, (') ‘'The Health of the School Child” Report of the Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of 
Education, for 1954 and 1955, Chapter XV, 

(9 Ministry of Health Memorandum H.M. (56)81 and Ministry of Education Circular 312. 


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93. We understand that in January 1957 there were 114 hospital schools, 
with 5,844 pupils and that in January 1958 there were 206 other hospitals 
in which arrangements had been made for teaching to be done. These latter 
arrangements covered 1,689 children. Thus the total number of children 
covered may not represent more than a quarter of the total number in 
hospital, and, even allowing for the fact that a proportion of the children 
are under two and a proportion not medically fit to receive it, it seems that 
there may still be a substantial number of short stay cases who would profit 
from education but are not receiving it. Those in adult wards are specially 
liable to be overlooked. Even with a short stay case a break in education 
may be positively harmful, and whenever a child is admitted, hospital 
authorities should consider whether he is likely to stay long enough and be 
fit enough to receive education. If so, and if no regular teaching arrangements 
already exist within the hospital, they should notify the local education 
authority so that they will have time to make ad hoc arrangements if 

94. Children should not be admitted to hospital when they are about to 
take important examinations unless they require urgent treatment. The 
hospital will not know that an examination is imminent unless the parents 
tell them and leaflets for parents should make it clear that it is for them 
to seek postponement of admission on this ground if necessary. Arrangements 
for children in long stay hospitals to take examinations from hospital should 
be encouraged. 

95. Co-operation by the hospital staff with the teacher is essential. In 
particular the medical staff can help by saying when a chiM is well enough 
to receive instruction. Similarly, the teacher can plan the work better if 
she knows for approximately how long a child is likely to be in hospital. 
A particularly close liaison between sister and teacher is essential. 

96. Teaching is much easier if children of the same age are in the same 
ward, or the same part of the ward. Older children who are doing lessons 
may be distracted if there are younger ones playing nearby. Beds can often 
be rearranged for teaching periods so that all the children being taught are 
together. There are bound to be some interruptions to teaching while the 
work of the ward is carried on, but there is considerable variation at present 
in the amount of disturbance caused in different hospitals. Whenever possible 
treatment and visiting should be so arranged as to avoid school hours. 

97. An efficient hospital teacher needs a room in which she can prepare 
her work and ample storage space for books and equipment in the ward 
units, and it is incumbent upon the hospital authorities to see that satisfactory 
accommodation is provided. It should also be realised that child ten in bed 
may be given activities that are messy and untidy, such as modelling, cooking 
and even scientific experiments. 

98. During school holidays various arrangements can be made for 
organised activities to take the place of school. Some education authorities 
engage staff especially for holiday periods, perhaps students or retired 
teachers. Others arrange for the teaching staff at the hospital to take only 
3 weeks’ holiday at a time, so that the breaks are shorter. It is important that 
children should be given organised activity outside the school term ; hos- 
pitals should not hesitate to ask local education authorities for help to 
occupy children during holidays. 


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99. Much of the evidence we have received has emphasised the need to' 
give children in hospital plenty of occupation for their spare time. An un- 
occupied child is less likely to be happy than one with interesting things 
to do. Where play can be organised under skilled supervision it is particularly 
useful but student nurses, cadets and voluntary workers can all help to 
entertain the children. 

100. Children’s activities fall into two types, spontaneous and organised. 
Since all children’s activities are necessarily restricted in hospital, it is essential 
that there should be a daily programme. This should include rest periods, 
and periods of unorganised play, but those in charge should realise that these 
will not be constructively used unless children are provided with something 
which they are allowed to play with during their free times. It is important 
to see that every child’s needs are catered for in this way. The child who cannot 
participate in an activity feels doubly left out unless he is given special 
attention of some sort, even if that special attention is somebody offering him 
an alternative activity such as reading, listening or drawing. On the other 
hand, diversion need not depend on elaborate organisation: a child may be 
happier watching traffic or a mechanical polisher than taking part in a carefully 
devised game. 

101. For younger children a variety of suitable toys is essential. Voluntary 
organisations such as Leagues of Friends can often help with the supply of 
these but the supply should be under the supervision of the hospital, who 
should ensure that skilled advice is obtained, e.g. from the nursery schools 
associations, on the suitability of the toys provided. Older children may take 
part in club activities such as Scouts and Guides. When children have particular 
hobbies such as gardening, painting and handicraft these should be respected 
and encouraged as far as possible. Wireless and television are becoming 
increasingly common in hospital wards and selected parts of the programmes 
can be a great boon to the children. We have already suggested that it is an 
advantage if there is a separate playroom where children who are up and 
about can go without disturbing more ill children. 

102. These suggestions obviously apply with greatest force to long-stay 
hospitals, but they can and should be applied in varying degree to those 
hospitals where stay is normally short. 


103. Children vary in their response to the disciplinary techniques of adults 
and an orderly ward depends very much upon fairness, reasonable firmness 
and harmonious relationships between all the staff. It is well known that 
certain adults find it easier to maintain discipline with children than do others, 
and that approaches vary from individual to individual. Nevertheless the 
following general observations should be useful : 

(1) It is extremely difficult for anyone to maintain discipline with children 

if his or her requests and instructions are countermanded by someone 
else in higher authority. 

(2) Children who participate in an orderly and sensibly devised pro- 

gramme with sufficient diversion to avoid boredom will not present 


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a disciplinary problem. Conversely the child in an otherwise empty 
cot sitting and staring into space is a potential disciplinary problem. 

(3) The child who has violent tantrums and is not restrained, as many 

are, by the presence of other children presents a special problem. A 
patient attempt to get to the cause of the outburst is obviously better 
than severity, but on the other hand a child in a ward with acutely 
ill children cannot be allowed to disturb them, and in the extreme 
case a child in a tantrum may have to be removed to a side ward. 
This will only be successful if the removal is presented as a matter 
of ward administration and not as a punishment, and if the child 
is not shut in there alone but is accompanied by a sympathetic adult 
until he can recover, and the reasons for the outburst can be 

(4) A great deal of this report deals with the relationships between 

hospital staff and parents. A good relationship with the parents of 
a child makes discipline simpler ; contradiction between parents and 
staff which the child perceives can give rise to acute problems of 
discipline even in adolescence. It is better to convert a parent to a 
point of view than to over-rule him. A contradiction between staff and 
parents can be the reason why the child is not visited and the source 
of much later disturbance. 

Safety Measures 

104. The safety of the child is obviously a prime consideration of hospital 
staff and it is understandable that hospital authorities, because they are legally 
responsible for the children during their stay in hospital, take precautions 
which would not be necessary at home. We wonder however whether 
there is sufficient appreciation of the harmful psychological effects of such 
things as restrainers and high sided cots on all but the very youngest children, 
and sufficient readiness to explore other ways of preventing accidents, notably 
by closer supervision. In our view restrainers should be necessary only in 
exceptional circumstances, and children who are accustomed to sleep in beds 
at home should be allowed to do the same when in hospital. 

Personal Possessions 

105. We have already suggested (paragraph 59) that children should be 
allowed to take personal possessions such as toys and books with them into- 
hospital and preferably they should keep these beside them. The choice of 
what to bring must be the child’s, and neither parent nor hospital should stpp 
him bringing something he loves on the ground that it is not clean or 
respectable enough to take into hospital. Hospitals should provide lockers, 
boxes or bags for each child which he can reach easily. Even very young 
children need accessible storage space. 


106. Children’s food should look attractive, should be served in suitable 
utensils, with implements of the right size and shape to eat it with, and 
should be chosen to suit the age of the child. Portions should be small with an 
opportunity to ask for more; mountainous helpings often daunt the uncertain 
appetite. For infants sieving is important but different constituents should 
not all be mashed together. It will not be conducive to a properly balanced 


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diet if the child eats food brought by his parents and the aim should be to see 
that the food he gets in hospital satisfies him. Although a mother can some- 
times persuade her child to eat when no one else can it is also possible that the 
reverse may be true. 

Toilet Training 

107. Some parents complain that young children regress in their toilet 
training after a period in hospital. This may be due either to the emotional 
upset of separation, or to inadequate attention to the child’s toilet needs while 
in hospital. Children are shy about making their needs known, particularly 
during the first few days before they get to know the nursing staff. Hospital 
staff can avoid some embarrassment for the child if they learn his private 
vocabulary for the toilet and his home routine. Whenever possible children 
should be allowed to get out of bed to go to the toilet, but if they are bedfast 
they must have some means of making known their need for a bedpan or 
bottle. We have heard of hospitals where children in cubicles have no means 
of communicating such needs and this causes very great discomfort and 
unhappiness. No hospital staff should treat toilet “ accidents ” as occasions for 
punishment or rebuke of the child. 

Information about Children's Progress 

108. We have already referred to the need for organised arrangements to 
supply visiting parents with information about a child’s progress. If parents 
are unable to visit it is equally important that they should be able to get 
information by letter or telephone from a responsible and knowledgeable 
person, preferably the Ward Sister, so that they can get full and sympathetic 
answers to their questions. It is not enough for a parent to be given a 
formal “ bulletin ” by, for instance a telephone operator. Obviously sisters 
cannot come to the telephone at frequent intervals throughout the day but it 
should be possible to ensure that someone with direct knowledge of the 
child’s condition is available to answer telephone enquiries from close 
relatives at certain prearranged times. If parents are able to speak to 
medical staff when they visit their children they are less likely to seek informa- 
tion by telephone during the intervals between visits. 


109. It is important to explain to the child, and to inform parents, when 
the child is to be moved from one ward to another, to another hospital or to a 
convalescent home. Children can become very worried lest their parents are 
not able to find them in their new surroundings and it should be made clear 
to them that their parents know what is happening. Indeed parents should be 
given the opportunity to accompany their children when the move takes place. 
If they cannot do so, a familiar member of the hospital staff should go with the 

Spiritual Welfare 

110. This part of the child’s welfare should not be neglected while he is 
in hospital. We were impressed by the interest in it shown by several of the 
bodies who gave evidence to us. Daily prayers are an important part of life 
in a children’s ward. Much of the evidence we received from parents showed 
that they appreciated arrangements made for evening prayers. Where parents 
are allowed to visit their children every evening, they may prefer to say 


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prayers privately with them, but this is not to say that there should not 
be an opportunity for the whole ward to take part in prayers. The Ward 
Sister is normally the most appropriate person to conduct prayers. In addition 
to ward prayers, hospitals should make arrangements for children to take 
part in Sunday School. Hospital chaplains and visiting clergy are always 
willing to visit children in hospital and parents should be told that the 
services of a Minister of any denomination are available. The main object 
in this, as in other aspects of the care of the child, should be to preserve 
as far as possible the thread of his experience and the certainty that his 
normal life will be resumed. 




111. Although our terms of reference specifically exclude the medical 
and nursing treatment of children in hospital we do not interpret this as 
precluding us from commenting on the impact of various medical procedures 
on the child’s general welfare. For example, we think it right to draw attention 
to the harmful effects of postponing an operation once it has been fixed, 
and to the importance of careful scrutiny of the need for any medical 
procedures that involve unpleasant experiences. 


112. The aim of all hospital staff is naturally to make treatment as little 
frightening as possible to children. This means spending time and care in 
explaining to children what is to happen to them ; careful preparation at 
this stage is amply rewarded later. Children’s anxieties may seem fanciful, 
but they are none the less real to the child, and an opportunity should be 
taken to talk to the child about his forthcoming treatment and, as far as 
is possible within the limits of his understanding, to explain to him what 
is involved. It is never safe to assume that a child will be afraid of an 
experience that an adult regards as frightening, or conversely that an 
experience which has no terrors for an adult will have none for a child. A 
child may be more afraid of a white coat than a painful procedure, and 
darkness and solitude can seem more terrifying than an operation. In 
reassuring a frightened child it is necessary to try to deal with his fears 
and not with what the adult thinks he is likely to fear. It should not be 
necessary to dwell on the painful aspects of treatment: a child should be 
warned if he is going to be hurt but the hurt can be exaggerated by an 
exaggerated warning, especially if this is given too long in advance. Blame 
for crying or for being afraid not only makes the child feel guilty and 
ashamed but can increase his degree of pain. Conversely, strong suggestion, 
approval and support can minimise pain. Where the child is to undergo an 
operation, it is a great help if he knows that he will have a familiar person 
with him, for example his mother or a nurse he knows, as long as he is 
conscious. One of the most upsetting experiences for the child is to be 


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removed, when he is already apprehensive, from the environment and people 
he knows. The special needs of the blind, the deaf and those with language 
difficulties should be carefully considered in this context. 


113. We agree with the recommendations made to us that there should 
be treatment rooms separate from the wards available for children so that 
unpleasant procedures do not have to take place in the presence of other 
children. For the same reason we believe that children should not be within 
sight of other children when they are being anaesthetised or coming round 
after an operation. 


114. Premedication has been of the greatest value in lessening the alarming 
aspects of operations and we believe that it should always be given unless 
there are medical reasons for not doing so. It may often be helpful if the 
mother is allowed to be present until the child goes to sleep. Premedication 
should also be used much more widely for minor procedures taking place 
in the ward unit, e.g., lumbar puncture. 


115. The mother may also be present when the child is coming round 
from the anaesthetic, provided that she is not present at too early a stage. 
Whenever the mother is allowed to be present during recovery it is important 
that the probable after-effects of anaesthesia on the child should have been 
explained to her. 


116. Children often 'absorb much more of what is said in their presence 
than adults realise and they are liable to misinterpret what they hear and to 
worry about it afterwards. For these reasons, we believe that any discussion 
during medical ward rounds should take place as far as possible out of earshot 
of the children, or if discussion takes place round the bed, exceptional 
discretion should be used in what is said or left unsaid in front of them. 



117. Most of our recommendations apply equally to acute hospitals, where 
children may be discharged 'after a few days, and to long-stay hospitals. There 
are, however, certain aspects of hospital care which need particular emphasis 
in long-stay patients, because of the particular problems created by prolonged 
separation from home and parents and the need for the child to become fully 
adjusted to the life of the hospital. We should therefore stress the following 
points : 

(a) Careful preparation of both parents and child is particularly necessary. 
Normally children are not admitted to long-stay hospitals in an 
emergency and there is therefore plenty of time to accustom the 


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family to the idea of the child’s admission. For the parents, an 
interview with the member of the medical staff who will be in charge 
of treatment is essential. Parents must be sufficiently informed about 
the hospital’s regulations and routines so that once their child has 
settled in their attitude will be much the same as it would be if the 
child was starting life at a boarding school. They need assurance 
that they will be notified of changes in their child’s life and they 
should be asked to co-operate in the process of settling in. 

(b) During the settling in period, before the child becomes accustomed 
to his surroundings, the hospital should be prepared, where neces- 
sary, to provide accommodation for the mother so that she can stay 
for a night or two. This short stay will ensure a better understanding 
between the staff, child and parents and may be essential in children 
whose home are many miles away, 

(c) Visiting in long-stay hospitals presents more of a problem than in 

acute hospitals since many parents are unable, because of the 
distance of the hospital from the home or for financial reasons, to 
visit their children daily. In addition, many long-stay hospitals have 
school hours and are therefore -restricted as to the times when they 
can welcome visitors. Although visiting should not be allowed to 
interfere with education, we see no reason why this principle should 
entail rigid adherence to set times for all visitors and we suggest 
that parents should be allowed to visit, by arrangement with the 
ward sister, at whatever times outside school hours suit them best. 
Once the child has settled in, regular visits can be less frequent. 
Our remarks about amenities for visitors (paragraph 87) are of par- 
ticular relevance to long-stay hospitals, which are often at some 
distance from towns. If a child has no visitors he may be given a 
“foster home” close to the hospital where he can enjoy family life. 

(d) Education and organised recreation have been for some time an 
essential part of the life of the child in hospital for a long period, 
but we should like to emphasise the importance of ensuring that such 
children are kept 'happily occupied during school holidays and of 
providing a well run children’s library. The hospital school will 
provide some books and help with the library staffing but it is for the 
hospital to see that a library is provided and fully stocked and to 
make suitable accommodation available for it. 

(e) As the time of discharge approaches the hospital should make contact 

with the family doctor, the local health and education authorities 
and all those who will be concerned with the child’s after-care. In 
particular where a child is of school age, provision should be made 
for continuing education once he has returned home, his special 
educational requirements having been made known to the local 
education authority without delay. 

( f ) After a long-stay in hospital readjustment to home life can be diffi- 

cult. It will be less so if parents have been able to visit sufficiently 
frequently, and also if the child has been home for occasional visits 
during his stay in hospital. During visits parents should be instructed 


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in any special care the child will need after his return home. The 
child who has been kept well in touch with events at home will 
find readjustment less difficult. The almoner should be informed 
about parents who fail to visit -their children in long-stay hospitals 
so that she can find out the difficulties and see if they can be 
overcome. Health visitors can prevent the parents losing touch and 
can also help in dealing with problems which may arise after 
discharge. Long-stay hospitals should have under continual review 
-the possibility of children having periods at -home before treat- 
ment is completed and should of course discharge them permanently 
as soon as it is medically justifiable to do so. 


118. Again our general recommendations for the care of sick children 
apply with particular force to the child who is blind or deaf. The needs of 
children with such handicaps include those of other ill children and some 
additional ones, and particular consideration should be shown to them in 
the following ways : 

(i) The hospital should maintain close contact with the home or school 
from which they are admitted. Such children need plenty of pre- 
paration because adjustment to new surroundings may be more 
difficult than for the normal child. 

(ii) These children need special materials and equipment to occupy them- 
selves. They also need even more than do other children the com- 
panionship of adults they know. 

(iii) The education of the blind or deaf child in hospital need not present 
as great a problem as is sometimes supposed, since teachers without 
special qualifications can often, with the help of a school for the 
blind or deaf, give the child what he needs for the time he is in 
hospital. None the less, hospitals should ask local education authori- 
ties to do their best to provide specially qualified teachers, even 
though this may mean one teacher -being attached to several 

(iv) Parents should be kept as fully informed as possible of their child’s 
progress while in hospital. Particular care and sympathy is needed 
from -hospital staff in talking to parents of blind and deaf children 
and everything possible should be done to allay fears and mis- 
understandings about their child’s handicap. 

(v) Occasionally children may become blind or deaf while in hospital. 
For example, a child may become deaf as a result of tuberculous 
meningitis. There is a danger that the special needs of such a child 
may be overlooked and there should be no delay in providing any 
necessary -hearing aid and the services of a teacher of the deaf. 


119. The character of infectious diseases hospitals has changed immensely 
in recent years. Many of the -old“ isolation hospitals ” were built at a distance 
from towns to house a large number of patients for indefinite periods of time. 
Immunisation, changes in incidence and severity and new methods of treat- 
ment have meant that the number of cases o-f infectious illness has fallen 


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considerably and that relatively more of them are nursed ait home. “ Isola- 
tion 55 hospitals are now being used for the treatment of a much wider range 
of children’s ailments. 

120. These changed circumstances should be reflected in the management 
of children admitted to infectious diseases hospitals. In particular, more 
attention needs to be devoted, on the lines we have suggested for hospitals 
generally, to the occupation and education of children in these hospitals ; and 
our recommendations on admission of mothers and unrestricted visiting are 
intended to apply to infectious diseases hospitals as to others. It is still 
being argued in some districts 'that parents cannot be allowed to see their 
children because of the danger of spreading infection, but we have had 
evidence that in other districts hospitals have allowed unrestricted visiting 
and admission of mothers without any increase in the incidence of infection. 
We should like to see the restrictions on visiting in infectious disease hospitals 
lifted, so that the parents can have access and talk to the child save in 
exceptional cases where there is a real risk to the community. There may be a 
few occasions on which parents must be asked not to visit because of risk to 
contacts at home or at work but these should be exceptional particularly if 
visitors can be given protective clothing to wear when necessary. More harm 
than good is done, however, by allowing parents to see their children only 
through a glass partition ; this seems to us an unimaginative restriction, 
particularly where very young children are concerned, and since we know 
of hospitals which are able to dispense with it we hope it will disappear 

121. The change in the role of the infectious diseases hospital also 
demands that it should have a nucleus of nursing staff with special training 
in the care of children and that a children’s physician should be associated 
with the children’s medical care. This association should preferably take 
the form of provision in the children’s physician’s contract for regular sessions 
at the infectious diseases hospital. 


122. The care of children before and after operations for removal of 
tonsils and adenoids merits particular attention. It has been calculated that 
nearly one child in three has his tonsils out before the age of 13, and that 
nearly 200,000 operations for removal of tonsils and adenoids are performed 
each year in England and Wales— largely in the 5-8 age group. In fact 
this is the commonest reason for admission of children to hospital, and 
because these cases are usually dealt with in batches and are usually only 
in hospital for a short period, there may well be a tendency to consider 
that their problems are less important than those of longer stay children. 

123. Preparation for admission should include carefully prepared leaflets 

so that, shortly before his admission to hospital, the mother is able to give 
the child a simple explanation of what is likely to happen to him. This 
important matter has frequently been neglected in the past. The mother 
should be encouraged to discuss any problem with the Ward Sister before 
the time of admission, and there are also obvious possibilities for grouo 
discussion. a F 

124. It is inadvisable for these operations to be carried out in small 
units if there are inadequate facilities for the handling of children. There 


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should be a tonsils and adenoid unit separate from the other children’s 
accommodation. In a large centre it will no doubt be possible to provide 
a ward, separate from the adult accommodation, in the main E.N.T. Depart- 
ment, but if this cannot be done the children should be nursed in a ward 
within the children’s unit. Wherever they are nursed, the staff should be 
properly trained to give the specialised pre- and post-operative care which 
is so necessary for this type of case, and a larger nursing establishment 
may be needed than for ordinary children’s nursing. 

125. The same arrangements for admission, reception and welfare in 
the ward should apply to children admitted for tonsil and adenoid opera- 
tions as for other children, and special care should be taken that children 
awaiting operation do not see those just returning from the operating theatre. 
The same visiting arrangements should apply as elsewhere. There is no 
evidence of any increased incidence of infection where this has been done. 
Parents should be allowed in as often as possible, including the day of 
operation, although it may be better for them not to see their children 
until they have fully recovered from the anaesthetic. On discharge a simple 
leaflet setting out the after-care necessary will be very helpful to most parents. 


126. These operations also account for a large number of hospital admis- 
sions of children and again all our general recommendations about prepara- 
tion for admission, visiting, etc., apply. It is best for the children to be 
nursed in a separate children’s unit: in big centres this may be also a 
specialist eye unit but elsewhere it will be a general children’s ward. 

127. To have his eyes bandaged, as commonly happens after for instance 
an operation for squint, is profoundly disturbing to a child. Some hospitals 
have found it possible to avoid bandaging children’s eyes after squint opera- 
tions and while it is not within our province to discuss the medical argu- 
ments for and against bandaging, we would express the earnest hope that 
bandaging will not be resorted to without the most careful weighing of its 
serious disadvantages for the emotional welfare of the child. Whenever 
bandaging is necessary, time must be devoted to the reassurance of the 
child and arrangements must be made for his occupation. These above all 
are cases in which the parents should be given every opportunity to play 
their part. 


128. Some of the criticisms we have heard of the treatment of children 
in hospital have been made because some children show evidence of 
psychological disturbance after discharge. A certain amount of such dis- 
turbance appears to be inevitable, and results from separation and fear at 
vulnerable ages: the impossibility of arriving at an exact quantitive assess- 
ment is shown by the wide variation in the estimates offered to us, which 
ranged from 20 per cent to 90 per cent. The disturbances which children show 
on discharge from hospital fall into four main groups: 


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1. Regression to earlier stages in child development. 

2. Aggressive behaviour of various sorts. 

3. Terrors, timidity and sleep disturbance. 

4. Difficulties at school. 

129. Regressive behaviour due to stress means a reversion to forms of 
behaviour which the child had previously grown out of. The commonest 
forms are loss of sphincter control, loss of speech and demands for cuddling, 
rocking or the feeding bottle long after infancy. Regressive behaviour may be 
patchy in its occurrence, and a child’s behaviour can vary from hour to hour 
between that normal to a seven year old and that of a four year old. 

130. Aggressive behaviour is the natural response to being hurt or the 
memory of being hurt. It is not possible for the child in hospital to be 
allowed to act out his aggression when he is hurt or frightened as he would 
in the playground or at home. Hence aggression is stored up and released 
at home. 

131. Night terrors and sleep disturbance are the commonest reactions of 
the individual of any age to stress of any sort. In hospital the positive 
provisions of a night light and a nurse who is sympathetic recognise this. 
When the child goes home he can miss this provision and parents need to 
be warned to deal with the problem with understanding. The fear of doctors 
and of white coats can persist throughout a person’s life, or the white coat 
and the nurse’s uniform can equally stand for security and reassurance. Which 
of these happens to a child depends on a meticulous attention to the details 
of the life of the child in hospital. 

132. Preparation for discharge can be almost as important for both 
parents and child as preparation for admission and parents should be given 
as long notice as possible. We do not agree with those who hold that 
children should never be told before the parents when they will be dis- 
charged : it may not always be possible to inform the parents first, and 
provided they are told at the first opportunity, there is no harm in the child 
knowing in advance. Telling the parents the date when the child will be 
sent home is only one step in the preparation for discharge. They should 
be told, by the doctor concerned or a senior member of the nursing staff, 
what treatment the child has received in hospital and how this may have 
to be followed up at home. Special instructions may have to be given about 
feeding habits, diet, medicine, appliances, reference to the family doctor or 
return visits to the hospital. Where the child has been given special treatment 
in hospital which is to be continued at home it may sometimes be desirable 
to admit the mother to hospital for a day or two before discharge to be 
shown what she will have to do once the child is at home. Written instructions 
should be given to mothers about such matters as the making up and timing 
of infants’ feeds. 

133. At the time of discharge the Ward Sister or a senior member of the 
nursing staff should be available to talk to parents who come to take the 
child home. Times of discharge vary greatly, but hospitals should try to 
choose times which suit parents as well as themselves. For example, where 
the hospital' is at some distance from a town, discharge should be arranged 
to fit in with bus services. 

134. The need to inform the family doctor promptly about discharge of 
his patients has been stressed in the report of the Committee on the Recaption 


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and Welfare of In-patients (H.M.S.O. 1953) and what is said in paragraphs 
84-5 of that report applies to children no less than to adults. While we 
appreciate that it is often impracticable for a full report to go to the family 
doctor for some days after the patient has been discharged it should be 
possible, e.g. by using a printed form with space for the insertion of the 
minimum essential information in manuscript, for a brief notification to be 
sent off as soon as discharge on a particular day is certain, with the promise 
of a detailed note as soon as possible thereafter. When there is need for 
continued treatment or nursing at home after discharge, there should be full 
consultation with the family doctor to find out whether the home conditions 
are suitable, and he should always be told what advice has been given to 
the parents. 

135. Hospital staff may not be aware of the services provided by local 
authorities for ill children, and we understand that these are not always 
invoked as they should be. The local health authority provides guidance 
for the mothers of children under 5 under the supervision of the maternity 
and child welfare staff. It is important that a liaison be preserved so that 
the. advice given by the hospital on discharge does not conflict with that 
given by the health visitor. The local education authority is also responsible 
for the provision of special education for handicapped children, and for 
the education of children who cannot attend school for long periods. Hence 
it is essential that the Medical Officer of Health (who is usually also the 
Principal School Medical Officer) should be notified as soon as possible 
of the discharge of any children needing any of these services. Otherwise 
time may be lost which can prove vital in for instance the care of a child 
who has lost one of its special senses. In this chain of communication the 
services of the almoner should be invoked and the part that can be played 
by the Ward Sister should not be overlooked. It goes without saying that 
all that is done to arrange for after-care should be with the knowledge of 
the family doctor. 

136. For some children, follow-up visits to the out-patient department by 
appointment made at the time of discharge will be neoessary for a period, 
but these should be reduced to the minimum by keeping the family doctor 
fully informed about after-treatment and making full use of his services. 
The family doctor is in the best position to call in the services of Health 
Visitors and Home Nurses, when needed, through the local health authority. 


137. While the child is in hospital he is under the skilled care of medical, 
nursing and other staff. For a shorter or longer period the hospital is 
his home and whether he is happy there depends more on the staff looking 
after him than on any other single factor ; it is therefore very important that 
all who have to look after sick children should learn not only how to deal 
with the child’s ailment but also how to meet his emotional and other needs. 

138. The members of the staff who come most into contact with children 
in hospital are of course the nurses, and their proper training is of the 
utmost importance to the child’s welfare. The nurse’s real competence with 


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sick children comes not from text books but from the close personal contacts 
with patients. In nursing sick children the nurse needs to understand not 
only the diseases of children — and disease in children presents many special 
features not found in disease in adults — but also the factors that influence 
tiie development of the normal child, including his emotional reactions, 
his family circumstances and the importance of his other social relation- 
ships. As we have already indicated children’s needs vary at different ages 
and the nurse must have an understanding of these differences. 

139. All this requires special study and w e trust that those responsible 
for nursing curricula will give all possible priority to the adaptation of 
training courses for the purpose. A few lectures are not enough : experience 
with well children in a nursery school or a residential or day nursery would 
be a great advantage where practicable and the nurse should be given some 
knowledge of the results of reoent studies by educationalists of the normal 
child s needs and development. 

^5®* children s nurse needs to know all that she can learn about 
the functions and difficulties of parenthood and the significance of family 
life. It is not possible for this information to be acquired theoretically, 
though lectures from a social worker could be of value. More useful would 
be practical work with a home nurse assisting in the home care of children 
in the district surrounding the training school. In this way also, the nurse 
j fi training would get insight into the problems which the average mother 
surmounts. It w 7 as suggested to us in evidence by several bodies that nurses 
m training should be trained in the taking of essential social histories ; and 
we agree that such activity can establish the necessary confidence between 
nurse, child and parent, and teach the nurse a particular approach to 
patients which the training may not afford at present. We have already drawn 
attention to the key position occupied by the ward sister. The special 
elements m a nurse’s training which we have just outlined should be a 
feature of the refresher courses arranged for ward sisters. 

141. Training of medical staff should also take more account of the 
emotional and social needs of children and their parents. Though the doctor’s 
contacts with the child are less prolonged than those of the nurse he is 
a figure of great importance in the hospital ward and the way in which he 
handles both parents and children can be vital to their welfare. It is not 
enough that those specialising in children’s medicine should receive special 
instruction in this aspect of the child’s well-being : every practising doctor 
and particularly every family doctor must frequently find himself in situations 
where this knowledge is essential to the proper management of patients. 

142. Children in hospital also come into contact with a number of staff 
other than medical and nursing staff, e.g., radiographers, physiotherapists and 
laboratory technicians. All these people are concerned with procedures which 
may be frightening or painful and during their training they should leam 
about the need for special care in dealing with children and that the approach 
to the child must differ at different ages. Complicated techniques can only 
be performed on a willing child, and the technician will therefore normally 
be alive to their immediate emotional effect ; less obvious is the reaction 
of a child to a daily blood count — a pricked finger can assume greater 
importance, particularly if force is used, than a major operation. The 


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technician should be taught to explain that a prick will be felt, and to act 
rapidly, meanwhile talking about something which will interest the child. 

143. Another group of staff who should receive special instruction about 
children in hospital are hospital teachers. These are in a slightly different 
category because they require training in the needs of the sick child in 
relation to education. We should like to see an extension of the existing 
arrangements for this kind of training. 



1. Greater attention needs to be paid to the emotional and mental needs 
of the child in hospital, against the background of changes in attitudes 
towards children, in the hospital’s place in the community, and in medical 
and surgical practice. The authority and responsibility of parents, the 
individuality of the child, and the importance of mitigating the effects of 
the break with home should all be more fully recognised. (Paragraphs 6-14.) 


2. Children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be 
avoided (paragraph 17). 

3. Special nursing facilities for looking after sick children at home should 
be extended (paragraphs 18-19). 

4. There should be separate out-patient* departments for children, with 
suitable facilities and staff. Waiting time should be kept to the minimum 
(paragraphs 20-24). 

5. Some simple surgical operations can be undertaken at the hospital, 
subject to certain safeguards, without fully admitting the child (paragraphs 


6. Children and adolescents should not be nursed in adult wards (para- 
graphs 29-33). 

7. Separate children’s hospitals for all children are impracticable and for 
the general run of cases a small children’s unit at the local hospital should 
suffice (paragraph 34). 

8. Children should be nursed in company with other children of the 
same age group. They should have facilities for inside and outside play and 
colour schemes should be cheerful. Supervision and prevention of accidents 
are important (paragraph 35). 

9. A children’s physician should have a general concern with the care 
of all children in hospital (paragraph 36). 

10. The Sister in charge of the ward should be R.S.C.N. as well as 
S.R.N. The child should be able to get to, know his, own nurse? Nursery 
nurses can help with children under 5 (paragraphs 37-39). 

11. Social workers and occupational therapists have a valuable contribu- 
tion to make (paragraphs 40-42). 


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12. The risk of disturbance to the child can be reduced by proper prepara- 
tion. This can be achieved by the promotion of a better understanding of 
the hospital’s place in the community, by explanations from the family 
doctor and local authority clinic staffs, and by suitable measures on the 
hospital’s part in arranging admissions. These should include : 

(i) explanation of the reasons for admission by the doctor who makes 
the decision ; 

(ii) an interview with a suitably trained person to discuss details ; 

(iii) properly designed leaflets and letters. 

Talks between the ward sister and groups of parents may also be useful. The 
information suitable to be given to the child himself depends on his age, but 
a period in hospital should never be threatened as a punishment, nor promised 
as a treat (paragraphs 43-52). 


13. First impressions are important. The main admission procedure should 
be in the ward and there should be the least possible delay in reaching it. 
Sister should welcome the child in reassuring surroundings and should find out 
from the parents about his idiosyncrasies (paragraphs 53-57). 

14. Children admitted during the day should not be put to bed unless this 
is medically necessary. Where children are admitted at bedtime the parents 
should be allowed to help put them to bed (paragraph 58). 

15. Clothes provided by the hospital should be attractive and well-fitting. 
The experiment of allowing children to wear their own clothes is worth 
considering ; and they should be allowed to keep a favourite toy (paragraph 

16. Re-admission should be to a familiar ward (paragraph 60). 

17. Proper reception is specially important for emergencies. There should 
be separate accommodation for children in casualty departments and suitable 
amenities for waiting parents (paragraphs 61-63). 



18. The differing psychological needs of children of different ages are 
described (paragraphs 64-67). 

Admission of Mothers 

19. There is much to be said for admission of mothers along with their 
children, especially when the child is under five and during the first few days 
in hospital. This is of great benefit to the child and if the mother is allowed 
to play a full part in his care she can be a help rather than a hindrance to 
the hospital staff (paragraphs 68-70). 


20. A child in hospital must be visited frequently to preserve the con- 
tinuity of his life, and the arguments formerly advanced against frequent 
visiting are no longer valid. Parents should be allowed to visit whenever 
they can, and to help as much as possible with the care of the child, 
(paragraphs 71-80). 


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21. Visiting is specially important in the first few days of the child’s 
stay in hospital (paragraph 81). 

22. Evening visits should toe encouraged and visits on operating days 
allowed (paragraphs 82-83). 

23. Parents should toe able to get authoritative information about their 
child’s progress when they visit (paragraph 84). 

24. Visitors other than parents should toe permitted at certain times 
(paragraph 85). 

25. Special arrangements should toe made for children whose parents 
cannot visit them (paragraph 86). 

26. More amenities for visitors are needed (paragraph 87). 

27. Parents in genuine need of financial assistance to enable them to visit 
frequently should toe helped to get it (paragraphs 88-90). 


28. The provision of educational facilities is important, for shorter stay 
as well as long stay patients, and it is the hospital’s responsibility to 
approach the local education authority for the purpose (paragraphs 91-93). 

29. Children should not normally toe admitted to hospital when they are 
about to take important examinations (paragraph 94). 

30. Teaching requires the co-operation of the hospital staff, suitable 
arrangement of the ward and the provision of space for storage of equipment 
(paragraphs 95-97). 

31. Organised activity outside school terms is important (paragraph 98). 
Other Aspects of In-Patient Care 

32. There should be an organised programme of recreation with suitable 
toys and other diversions (paragraphs 99-102). 

33. Happy discipline depends not only on correct management but on 
harmonious relationships between all the staff, and between staff and parents. 
If there is sensibly organised diversion disciplinary problems will toe reduced 
(paragraph 103). 

34. Physical restraints should not be needlessly applied (paragraph 104). 

35. Children should be able to keep the personal possession they treasure 
by their beds and all should have accessible storage space (paragraph 105). 

36. Food should be attractively served and satisfying (paragraph 106). 

37. Toilet needs should be adequately attended to. Private vocabularies 
should be learned and children allowed to get up to go to the toilet if at 
all possible (paragraph 107). 

38. Parents should be able to get information about their children’s 
progress from a knowledgeable and responsible person. They should be told 
if their child is to be transferred and should be given the opportunity to go 
with him (paragraphs 108-109). 

39. Daily prayers, Sunday school and visits by clergy are important 
(paragraph 110). 


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40. Unpleasant medical procedures should be kept to the minimum and 
carried out with tact and understanding of children’s reactions (paragraphs 
111 - 112 ). 

41. There should be separate treatment rooms and children should not be 
within sight of other children when they are being anaesthetised or coming 
round after an operation (paragraph 113). 

42. Premedication should normally be used before operations. It will 
help the child if the mother can be present until he goes to sleep and when 
he is coming round (paragraphs 114-115). 

43. Exceptional discretion is needed in the discussion of children’s cases 
during ward rounds (paragraph 116). 


44. Most of our recommendations apply to long stay hospitals and we 
make some additional comments on preparation, settling in, visiting, education, 
recreation and discharge in relation to such hospitals. Children should not 
be kept in long stay hospitals for longer than their medical condition requires 
and should be allowed to go home for short periods while they are under 
treatment (paragraph 117). 

45. Blind and deaf children and their parents have special needs, e.g. in 
relation to contact with the home, occupation, education and contact between 
hospital and parents. If a child becomes blind or deaf in hospital there should 
be no delay in providing the special services he needs (paragraph 118). 

46. Isolation hospitals are being used for a wide range of children’s 
ailments than formerly and this should be reflected in their staffing and 
management. In particular restrictions on visiting should be lifted (paragraphs 

47. Regard must be had to the welfare of the large numbers of children 
admitted for tonsil and adenoid operations notwithstanding the shortness of 
their stay. They should not be nursed with adults and our recommendations 
regarding admission, reception and in-patient care (including visiting) all 
apply equally to them (paragraphs 122-125). 

48. Children admitted for eye operations should be nursed in a separate 
children’s unit. Bandaging of children’s eyes should not be lightly resorted to 
and if it is medically imperative should be accompanied by special arrange- 
ments for the reassurance and occupation of the child concerned (paragraphs 


49. Parents should be warned about behaviour problems that may arise 
after discharge and advised how to deal with them. They should also be told 
of their part in any treatment required after the child’s discharge from 
hospital (paragraphs 128-131). 

50. Discharge times should be chosen with due regard to parents’ con- 
venience and a senior nurse should be available to speak to the parents 
(paragraphs 132-133). 

51. The family doctor should be told in advance when his patient is 
coming out of hospital and he should be provided with a full report as soon 


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as possible. There should be adequate liaison with the local health and 
education authorities about any after care or special educational require- 
ments. Follow-up visits to the out-patient department should be reduced to 
the minimum (paragraphs 134-136). 


52 . Nurses need training not only in the special aspects of disease in 
children but in the factors that influence the development of the normal child. 
Part of this training should take the form of practical experience in the care 
of well children both in nursery schools, etc. and in their homes. The emotional 
needs of children in hospital should be stressed in refresher courses for Ward 
Sisters (paragraphs 138-140). 

53. Doctors generally also require more training in the child’s emotional 
needs (paragraph 141). 

54. Ancillary hospital staff should be taught how to adjust their pro- 
cedures to children’s needs (paragraph 142). 

Wilfrid Sheldon 
P. H. Constable 
F. M. Rose 

Norman B. Capon 
Charles Gledhill 
E. Hollis 

Margaret W. Janes 

Marjorie E. John 
C. A. McPherson 
Elizabeth Tylden 


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Association of Children’s Officers 
Association of Hospital Administrators 
Association of Hospital Matrons 
Association of Occupational Therapists 
Association of Psychiatric Social Workers 
British Medical Association 
British Orthopaedic Association 
British Paediatric Association 
British Paediatric Nurses Association 
Central Council for the Care of Cripples 
Central Council for Health Education 
College of General Practitioners 
Institute of Almoners 
Institute of Hospital Administrators 
Ministry of Education 

National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare 

National Institute for the Deaf 

National Federation of Women’s Institutes 

National Union of Townswomen’s Guilds 

Nuffield Foundation 

Mothers Union 

Royal College of Nursing 

Royal College of Physicians 

Royal College of Surgeons 

Royal Medico-Psychological Association 

Royal National Institute for the Blind 

Society of Medical Officers of Health 

Tavistock Institute for Human Relations 

Women Public Health Officers’ Association 


Dr. Portia Holman, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.M (Ealing Child G 

Dr. Dermod MacCarthy, M.D., M.R.C.P. (Amersharn 

Dr. Charlotte Naish, MJ3., B.Ch., M.D. (Cumberland) 

Miss Joan Woodward, M.A. (Psychiatric Social Worker, Burns 
Birmingham Accident Hospital) 


(87440) Wt. 3667—9239 K120 1/59 D.L. 

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